Let’s get “right to the point.” We loved our old logo; but it was complex.

If you recall, our old logo was a giant S that, when staring long enough at it, created an optical illusion that took the viewer along roads and even the realms of kaballah (something called the “split-aleph”) – kid you not. It was simple, but complex, and it looked like this below:

The Old Stops Logo

However, with the birth of our Stops 4.0 version (for iOS) and the delivery of our most recent version Stops 4.2 (for iOS), we felt it was time to create a logo that helped our users more easily “get the point” of our product: how Stops helps “people” get to unique locations, using geospatial search, 3D maps and AR/XR equipped devices – a world that we call “Stops.”

So without further adieu, here’s our new Stops logo.

The New Stops Logo

And Stops’ new catchprase is:

Get to the point.

Stops Official Logo